• Amazon Fashion

    Amazon Fashion Finds

    Office Outfits ~ Try On Haul 2021 Since I returned back to work, I have grown a love of buying office clothes on Amazon. Not only do I get to look beautiful. But I get to do so on an…

  • Blogs,  Product Review,  YouTube

    Truvy Boost Review

    Once upon a time, I was a sexy woman. Prince Charming swept me off my feet. So, I got married. Then BOOM, I got pregnant. I enjoyed watching my belly grow. There is something magical about growing a whole human…

  • YouTube

    Gift Wrap Storage

    Here is one of my favorite Amazon finds of 2021. Finally, I invested in a storage bin for all my gift wrapping items. #amazonfinds

  • YouTube

    Hpusn Softbox Lighting Kit

    Long story short. I love my HPUSN Softbox Lighting Kit. I declare I will not be using a ring light anymore. The only con about the HPUSN Softbox Lighting Kit is that it does not come with instructions. However, watch…

  • YouTube

    Galantine’s Day Unboxing

    My friends and I got together for Galantine’s Day and did a mystery gift exchange. I had no clue who got me for Galantine’s Day. So it was fun unboxing gifts and finding out who got me the gifts at…