Truvy Boost Review
Once upon a time, I was a sexy woman. Prince Charming swept me off my feet. So, I got married. Then BOOM, I got pregnant. I enjoyed watching my belly grow. There is something magical about growing a whole human inside of you. Additionally, for 9 long months, everyone shows you so much, love. You are the center of attention. Then you push out this beautiful baby full of life…
In an instant, after you pushed out that baby, you are somehow expected to become that sexy woman again.
Double Fuck because Covid-19 came.
& we all know how that went down.
Before I knew it, I was 100 lbs. overweight. I couldn’t lose the pregnancy weight. Then I gained an additional 25 pounds. Being quarantined for 1 1/2 years did not assist with my weight loss. I tried everything and failed miserably at losing weight.
Until Truvy Boost.
In 3 months, I lost 33 pounds!!!
Finally, I get to be that sexy woman again.
Fingers cross; I don’t get pregnant anytime soon.
Check out my video below for details about my Truvy Boost journey.