
I Am A Juicy Transformer

Juicy Transformation

I was lost and did not know it. Each day was a repeated cycle. Crawled out bed, make coffee, wake up the children, make breakfast, and then head to work. The day was spent chasing time. There is never enough time. You are late to everything. Or do not complete anything because you are too busy to get shit done completely. The list could go on for life…

Now Stop.

Take a Moment.

And breathe.

Now imagine a life of freedom. The chains of your past are broken. Nothing is holding you back. You get to live the life you always dream of. What does that look like for yourself? How does that feel? Can you even imagine what that may be like? 

Honestly, I didn’t know shit about myself. I did not know what I wanted because my life was spent pleasing others. Life was never about me and my wants. So, I did not know what freedom felt like. 

Guess what.?!

You GET to choose. You Get to choose to LIVE! You get to be that little girl playing in the rain with no care in the world, just happy to embrace the world.  You get to be the little boy full of dreams. No fear and no regret.

Somehow over time you lost that little girl or that little boy.

But Now You Get a Juicy Transformation.  

A life full of fulfillment.

Want to know how?

Heart Core Leadership gives you the key to unlock the closet where you been bottling all your crap. You get to experience your shit, so you can be free from it. You get to live the life you always dream of because now you choose you.